Master Skill Module Request

The individual with this skill may choose to submit a plot request a month before a game. The individual with this skill may only request one of these modules per month (Even if you have multiple Master skills you are limited to 1 per month), if two individuals with the same skill request a module in the same month they will find themselves as part of the same module.


  • Master Financial Influence (pg 119): This submission will allow them to help their sister institution and gain local monetary compensation if the mission is successful (up to 10 currency). This may include missions such as guarding precious cargo, smoothing over relations with other Financial Institutions, or other tasks. As part of the request you may include up to 10 others with some level of the skill. Remember the payment from this module is only paid to the master requesting the module.

  • Master Criminal Influence (pg 120): This submission will allow them to receive a Master-level job that involves pulling a heist, committing a murder, or taking some other nefarious action. As part of the request you may include up to 15 others who have some level of the Criminal Influence skill and may also require other unique skill sets. Usually Master missions involve sneaking into a securely guarded compound to unlock a safe and steal from it, eliminating politicians surrounded by armies, and other Master-level schemes. IF the module is successfully completed, each person will receive their appropriate level of Criminal Influence as a voucher. They may then go to the Public Works to receive one free item from the appropriate Criminal Influence item list.

  • Master Hunting (pg 125-126): This submission will allow them to receive a big game hunt of a local creature. This hunt can include finding traces of the creature in the local area that must be tracked before discovering its location, and results in multiple appropriate Produce cards as a reward for a successful hunt.

  • Master Sailing (pg. 126): This submission will allow them to receive a sailing module, up to 10 others may participate if they have any tier of the Sailing skill. IF the module is successfully completed each person will receive Gizmo: Free X Sailing Voucher, where X is the tier of the Sailing skill they possess. They may then go to the Public Works to receive one free item from the appropriate Sailing item list.