These are a set of mechanics that are left up to chapter discretion but apply to the core mechanics in the rulebook. We have also included some local skills purchase list (buylist) items currently available at Dystopia Rising: Colorado if your character has those skills.

These mechanics only apply to DR:CO and you should check with the local game runner of the chapter or chapters you are visiting to see how they handle any such mechanics or items listed on this page.

Gaining Mind, Body, Infection, and Resolve

While the training time and cost for these core character elements are covered in the book, what is not is when these items become available for your character to use. Below is the official policy for Dystopia Rising: Colorado:

  • Body, Mind, and Resolve: The amount your LC trains to immediately increases but does not “fill” until you recover by some means — whether that is through brews, meals, the next 12s, etc.

  • Infection: This increase takes effect immediately since it requires approved story elements (Infectus Mortis, infection transfer via Candlepin Medical Kit, etc.) and is not something you can simply train and buy.

Local Buylist Item Additions

Local Master Criminal Buylist Item: Cracked Psionic Crystal (x1)

  • Mechanics: Gain 1 Local Plot Item: Cracked Psionic Crystal, expires in 6 months

Local Proficient Trade Connections Buylist Item: Overgrowth Gravevine (x2)

  • Mechanics: Gain 2 Local Plot Item: Overgrowth Gravevine, expires in 6 months

Local Master Trade Connections Buylist Item: Blood Sap (x1)

  • Mechanics: Gain 1 Local Plot Item: Blood Sap, expires in 6 months