The Mayor has asked me, as town Historian, to speak to the historical legal boundaries of Barker Meadow. Though these have changed over the years and may change going forward, I've included a map of the town from a picture out of the records and marked the boundaries that are relevant to you as our new townsfolk.

The first section in green is where the Sheriff and the Mayor's enforcers will actively investigate reported crimes.

The second section in blue is where the Sheriff and their people will investigate and interfere only if a crime is reported as well as hard evidence furnished, such as materials from a theft, multiple witnesses to the crime coming forward, etc.

Anything else is Wasteland, watch your backs as ever.

Owen Grace,

Barker Meadow Town Historian

What This Means to Players

DR:CO has two bits of wasteland. Mechanically they are the same as standard wasteland, Thematically they are not. The blue area is wasteland in the mechanical sense only the uncolored areas are wasteland in all sense of the published mechanics.

While you are not required by the mechanics to get consent for CvC in the blue marked areas, you can be subject to retaliation from In Game laws of Barker Meadow for crimes committed there that can be proven through RP or mechanics.

It’s important to make sure you are familiar with the policies surrounding the Wasteland by consulting the Dystopia Rising Evolved Survivors Guide (Page 162)