Method of Murder/Speciality: A sometimes considered “radical” Lorado-based offshoot of the Murk family of the Sunken Saints, The Saniar specialize in taking on the threats of the Gravemind and strange phenomenon, often leading to death or madness, those that survive stand not upon shoulders of giants but a pile of corpses in their dark work. Saniar are often the mad monks of the philosophy of Murder Inc. and occult enforcers of distinct codes of ethics around the Grave.

Considered deranged but brutally effective by other families of Lorado, they will do anything to take out a target besides hurt innocents, including losing Infection to take a target out with them. They specialize in kills that utilize the Gravemind. These kills include methods like shattering a target's psyche inside the Grave before killing them on the outside, gathering the intel needed for a job via. Videbit Mortis, and the highest punishment, the Murder Dive.

The Saniar also are the primary suppliers for graveheads and their ilk in Murder Inc in the region, possessing many who can acquire the crystals, infectious material, and more that divers need to do their work. This gives them a more respectable veneer on top of their eccentric activities. Linked to larger families like Moss and Murk in their trading, the Saniar Family seeks to rebuild connections and lines of trade throughout the underworld and Greater Wastes, while using those lines of Grave-heavy trade to monitor for potential “problem customers” and trends.

Organizational Structure: Generally disparate, the Saniar always have someone inside and someone outside the Family to look after them who takes on a position as mentor, anchor, therapist, or other similar roles. Despite appearances, Saniar do try to stay together and alive in their line of work. Saniar will come together in force when necessary, their unique methods often leading to tremendous results when working together. After all, the Saniar know the Grave, they know the students of the Grave, and they know how to channel the eccentricities of their members. 

Visuals: Saniar dress to stand out, they are iconoclastic while wearing some of the traditional trappings of the Graverobber and their ilk, all wearing or carrying Deathmasks. The personal Deathmask of a Saniar is a prized possession and an anchor of its own sort, a passenger with the Saniar through the realms of life and death. Other personal or ritual tokens and trinkets adorn Saniar, who are known to tell their life (and death) story through their appearances if one is wise and clever enough to look and understand them. Saniar who take on the skillset of Mind Killers are often more subdued in appearance and may seek to hide their combat capabilities.

Regional Goals: Deal with existential threats and threats to the Gravemind of Lorado, understand better the nature of Grave and Psionic phenomenon in the region to safeguard Loradans and strike against their enemies more effectively. Restart the Dead Market supplying and selling grave resources to those who need them.

Induction Qualifications and Rites: Saniar induct at the traditional skillsets of the Dead Market from which their senior members hail, they seek individuals at the crossroads of criminal activity and the Grave, always requiring a strength outside of those areas such as skill in trading, combat, or social maneuvering, with trade skills being especially valued for their supply work.

Saniar inductions are as unique as their members and the inductor but tend to involve in some way the Gravemind at one point, often conducted with their Saniar partner(anchor, therapist, right-hand person, etc.) in tow, as well as a unique rite bonding them to their Deathmask overseen by a current member of the Saniar. 

CvC or CvE focus: CvE focused